A downloadable Adventure

Morgy Python and his falling circus presents an idiot in search of a grave who instead discovers a shrubbery full of nutters.

Stumbling through the forests of sarkash  you reach a wall of shrubs. Upon one side is a hole followed by many paths, the deeper you go the tighter if feels, before long tendrils reach out to trip you. Finally you reach the center where in lives a towering prescence holding a herring, a might of such terror.  It utters a sound " KNIH"  and your ear drums explode in blood. More fertiliser for the Shrubbery. IT MUST GROW.

A badly spelled submission to Noun Borg Get Rich Quick Jam about the Terrifyingly silly shrubbery and its defenders and the rather useless treasures within.

Knigt Barg is an independent production by IXth TTRPG Design and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. 

This is a non profit parody of Monty Python and the Holy grail  and as such is not affiliated with Python (Monty) Pictures.

Updated 24 days ago
Published 29 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorIXth TTRPG Design
Tagsmaze, mork-borg, noun-borg, setting, Tabletop role-playing game


knight borg 3mm bleed.pdf 5.4 MB
knight borg.afdesign 25 MB
knight borg.pdf 4.8 MB
knight borg.png 5.3 MB

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